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HK’s Top 10 Housing Estates Record 1 Transaction | HK Weekend Property Market Recap

Squarefoot 編輯部  2025-02-04  47 #影片

In the secondary market, Hong Kong’s top ten blue-chip housing estates recorded just one transaction over the weekend, marking the lowest weekend activity in recent years.

From the first to the third day of the Lunar New Year, the first-hand property market recorded only seven deals, reflecting the traditionally quiet period during the holiday.

Among the notable sales, a luxury flat at 233 Prince Edward Road West in Ho Man Tin sold for HK$31.17 million, including one parking space. The unit, located on the 17th floor (Unit A), has a saleable area of 1,038 square feet with four bedrooms, setting a new record for the project at HK$30,029 per square foot.

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