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HK Developers Respond to Impending Rate Cuts | HK Weekend Property Market Recap

Squarefoot 編輯部  2024-08-28  #影片

Turning our attention to the US, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell stated at the central bank’s annual Jackson Hole meeting that “the time has come” to cut interest rates.

This marks his strongest signal yet of a potential interest rate cut, seemingly setting the stage for the September Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) meeting to initiate a rate-cutting cycle.

In response, some developers are seizing the opportunity to launch new residential projects.

Sun Hung Kai Properties, for instance, noted that the impending rate cuts could offer strong incentives for both homebuyers and investors.

The group plans to launch three new projects in the next two months, including the second phase of Victoria Harbour in North Point, Yoho Hub in Yuen Long, and the first phase of Cullinan Sky in Kai Tak.

Among them, the tender for ten units of in Victoria Harbour’s second phase opened today. 

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