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Squarefoot Editor  2011-11-14  #Tips For Transaction
項目名稱    銷售伙數

將軍澳天晉    80

大坑瑆華     43

大埔天賦海灣   40

將軍澳領凱    35

北角曉峰     6

黃大仙現崇山   2

香港仔深灣9號  2

新蒲崗譽.港灣  1

九龍塘尚御    1

大埔比華利山別墅 1

尖沙咀名鑄    1

      總數 212

製表:香港文匯報記者 趙建強

Disclaimer: All wordings and pictures which indicated Squarefoot editor are the copyright of 7 Advertising LIMITED. Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used. The content is for reference only, does not constitute investment advice and it does not mean that Squarefoot agreed the points. The area which show in the article is salable area if there is no special circumstances. The pictures is for reference also.

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