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Squarefoot Editor  2012-05-14  #Tips For Transaction
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黃大仙現崇山 7伙

大角咀亮賢居 3伙

銅鑼灣曦巒  1伙

大埔天賦海灣 1伙

大圍盛薈   1伙

火炭御龍山  1伙

西半山珒然  1伙

荃灣皇璧   1伙


製表:香港文匯報記者 顏倫樂

Disclaimer: All wordings and pictures which indicated Squarefoot editor are the copyright of 7 Advertising LIMITED. Acknowledgement is required if other parts of this publication are used. The content is for reference only, does not constitute investment advice and it does not mean that Squarefoot agreed the points. The area which show in the article is salable area if there is no special circumstances. The pictures is for reference also.

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