Windsor Mansion #77439 Rental Property Detail Page

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Id# 77439

Tsim Sha Tsui Windsor Mansion [Landlord Ads]
Tower A Middle Floor
Beautifully Decorated One-Bedroom And One-Living Room On The Middle Floor Of Windsor Building, 29/31

The living room has windows, two
-conditioners, a brand new washing machine, open kitchen floor cabinets, both hot and cold. It is close to the Polytechnic University. Move-in is available.
: 170 sq
Provide options
pets: Yes

free of commission

Normal Ads
11 days ago posted
Good view
Sea view
Created:2024-12-01 | Updated:2024-12-11
Mobile QRCode
Monthly Rental
Saleable Area
170 ft²
Unit Price: @50
Windsor Mansion
Kowloon Tsim Sha Tsui
Block and Unit: Tower A middle floor
Building age: 61 Year
Rental Start Date
Rental Available now
Floor zone
Middle Floor
Room and Bathroom
1 bedroom 1 bathroom
Pri School Net
Sec School Net
Nos.29-31 Chatham Road South
Mody Road Tsim Sha Tsui( Bus Stop )
86 m
Tsuen Wan West Station Bus Terminus( Bus Stop )
91 m
Tsim Sha Tsui East (mody Road)( Bus Stop )
139 m
778ft² @ $29
Market Info
Leased HKD$22,500
701ft² @ $26
Market Info
Leased HKD$18,000
Mr Yeung

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